地點: | 香港島中環金融街8號香港四季酒店4樓海景禮堂 |
日期: | 2023年3月28日 |
活動時間: | 2:30pm–4:30pm |
2:30pm | 賓客接待 |
3:00pm | 活動開始 |
3:05pm | 香港中華煤氣 李家傑 主席 致歡迎辭 |
3:15pm | 國家電力投資集團 錢智民 董事長 致歡迎辭 |
3:25pm | 香港特別行政區環境及生態局局長 謝展寰, BBS, JP致辭 |
3:35pm | 首席裁判長 崔屹 教授 發言 |
3:40pm | 2021 TERA-Award 得獎者 Luquos Energy (盧怡君 教授) 分享 |
3:45pm | 頒獎儀式 |
4:00pm | 金、銀、銅獎 專案視頻播放及得獎代表發言 |
4:20pm | 合影 |
4:30pm | 活動結束 |
創冷科技有限公司 (中國香港)
無電製冷塗層於2021年11月正式推出香港市場。該塗層是以外太空為製冷源頭,通過高效的太陽反射和中紅外熱輻射實現低於環境溫度的製冷效果,塗覆錶面降溫可達40℃,有效節省30%以上的空調耗能。每塗覆1平方米的無電製冷塗層,每年便可節省高達430度電,降低250Kg碳排放。假設全大灣區的建築物都應用無電製冷塗層,每年大灣區能夠減少高達300億度電的能耗和1800萬噸碳排放,相當於為大灣區種植了45億棵樹。 此外,該款無電製冷塗層還已應用於戶外電箱、儲能電櫃、冷鏈運輸貨櫃車、太陽能板等場景,提升設備使用壽命或效率。i2Cool在不久的未來亦會將該項技術廣泛應用於車輛、雨傘、衣服等產品上,並著力於產品研發升級及差異化拓展的創新之中,致力於令節能創新科技融入大眾的日常生活,緩解能源短缺和氣候變化,推動可持續發展和經濟增長,邁向碳中和!
國電投(廣東)綜合智慧能源創新研究院有限公司 (中國)
浙江大學能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室 (中國)
重慶大學低品位能源系統教育部重點實驗室 (中國)
深圳致氫新能源有限公司 (中國)
該項目由深圳大學、香港理工大學的院士、教授及博士團隊聯合成立,從事SOEC制氫行業領域,項目核心產品為質子導體固體氧化物制氫電解槽\r\n(世界首個質子導體SOEC電堆產品: HydroPro),其具有超高的電-氫轉換效率(>80%),可以解決現有電解水制氫能耗高的技術難點、成本高的市場痛點。
天津赫爾莫斯科技有限責任公司 (中國)
清華大學深圳國際研究生院 (中國)
中國科學院半導體研究所游經碧研究員團隊 (中國)
HKTech Solar, Ltd (中國香港)
Next-Generation Printed Solar Energy
HKTech Solar Ltd aims at developing low-cost, printable perovskite PV that can be manufactured in energy-saving and scalable way to complement/replace Si-based PV currently dominates the trillion-dollar market. This trailblazing technology offers high efficiency, diverse form factors, and low energy payback time for products. It has broad applications in solar farms, building and car integrated PV, indoor power sources for sensors, etc. The Company currently stands at the forefront of the field with the highest efficiency and stability, and is advancing the technology for solar modules and panels development to enable significant reduction of carbon emission in HK and China.
Hydro Wind Energy, Inc (阿拉伯聯合酋長國)
OceanHydro Omni
Developing a disruptive technology that harness wind offshore in deep waters with inbuilt energy storage. Lowers the cost of electricity, triples energy production, and provides energy storage
PV Nano Cell (以色列)
Digital Metallization of Solar Cells
The solar industry is on a quest to continuously improve solar cells efficiency. PV Nano Cell (PVN) developed the Sicrys™ digital ink. A nanoparticle, single crystal ink that is digitally printed on solar cells during the metallization step. By printing the Sicrys™ ink on temperature-sensitive solar cells such as Heterojunction and Thin Film, a significant improvement in the solar cells’ efficiency is obtained. PVN’s patented Sicrys™ ink is offered both with Silver-based and Copper-based metals, enabling an efficiency revolution in the solar industry. PVN is now working with leading world manufacturers on adopting this technology in mass production.
浙江氫邦科技有限公司 H2-Bank (中國)
PJP Eye LTD. (日本)
Cambrian Batteries - Biofuel Carbon Battery that can charge 10 x faster and last for more than 30 years
PJP Eye mass produces (1,000,000 cells per month) biofuel batteries (Cambrian) using agricultural wastes. We generated revenue of more than 20 million USD from top Japanese manufacturers like Hitachi. Cambrian is free from rare metals, is not explosive, charges 10 x faster than lithium-ion batteries, and lasts for more than 30 years. Cambrian can be used in any application including robotics, drones, marine applications, and space applications, and is already integrated into micro mobilities and mobile ATMs. 2nd place at COP 26 Clean Energy Pitch Battle and received 200,000 GBP from NZTC sponsored by the Scottish Government.
中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院 (中國)
Next-Ion (美國)
We make batteries that charge cars in 6 minutes, we also make batteries not explode.
Phytonix Corporation (美國)
Low-Cost Photosynthetic 1-Butanol Production From Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Phytonix has developed and is commercializing a sustainable production process by leveraging photosynthesis in microorganisms with synthetic biology to convert carbon dioxide in industrial emissions, without expensive carbon capture/separation, into cost leadership, biobased and carbon-negative industrial chemicals and fuels (higher alcohols) to replace their fossil-based counterparts.
上海氫洋科技有限公司/上海科學院新能源研究所 (中國)
北京思偉特新能源科技有限公司 (中國)
思偉特研發出行業領先的固體氧化物(SOEC)電解制氫技術,並將CO2電解技術與電解水制氫相結合,設計出的制氫系統可利用工業產生的CO2制備CO/H2合成氣,實現工業排放碳的再利用。目前已成功生產出3kw SOEC制氫系統樣機並測試通過,正在加速產業化落地。